Sunday, September 25, 2011


Ugh.  I'm sick, again.
I can't even handle this, like I'm pretty sure I have the worst immune system in existence.  I just got over being sick for a month.  The whooping couch vaccine I had to get for school gave me whooping cough. Thanks, universe.
At least tomorrow I'll be able to stay home and sit around watching The Office reruns all day.  And maybe catch up on anatomy homework, because I've got a huge test coming up and why do people have to have so many bones omg.  I swear, I should just drop out of school and work at McDonald's forever.  I can't concentrate in most of my classes.  I used to be so good at school but lately it's like everything just floats right out of my head.  Maybe I'm just not trying hard enough.  I don't know.
I guess I'll just write some emo poetry about it and move on.


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